Your Journey to Financial Independence Starts Here...
Fill Out The Form Below
Fill out the form below so we can get some basic information about your needs and financial picture. This will help our team be ready to discuss key aspects of your journey.
Schedule Your Introductory Call
Angie (yes the same Angie from the book!) or another Physician Tax Solutions team member will meet with you on a 30-minute call to make sure we're a good fit for you, and you are a good fit for us.
Buy Your Blueprint and Answer Questionnaire
Angie or another team member will give you the link to purchase your blueprint, and help you with submitting your two most recent tax returns and answering our questionnaire that will help our team complete the blueprint.
Schedule Your Blueprint Meeting
Our team will meet with you over an hour and a half long meeting, describing where we can find proactive tax savings. With that savings, we'll look at how we can best implement and allocate the savings to help you discover financial independence faster!